So, I finally have some time to update our little blog! The fact that I'm sitting here, writing on the computer is a miracle, by the way. Jared is on shift tonight and she's usually up all night when he's gone. Just for fun she likes to be perfect when daddy is home and make him think that mommy is insane when she tells him that the baby was up all night. But, tonight she is sleeping and hasn't made a peep. Hooray!! Reagan was born 2 weeks ago on October 18
th and is wonderful. We love her so much!! The doctor was going to induce me that day but the night before I started having contractions and by the time we were at the hospital for our scheduled induction, I was already 2 cm dilated! It was really nice because Jared was worried about the
meds they were going to use to induce and since she was coming on her own, I didn't have to use them. So, Reagan is the cutest baby ever. I know parents must always think that of their own babies, but she really is. I think she was made extra cute because she has the loudest shriek. If there's not a booby in her mouth within 5 seconds of waking up, you better watch out. She's been pretty good about sleeping. She'll have really good nights where she'll let us sleep for 3-4 hours in between feedings and then she has nights where she wants to stay up and party. Granted, the nights where she wants to party are not bad shrieking nights, she just wants to be up and looking around for hours. Reagan is gaining tons of weight. When she was born she was jaundiced and ended up losing about 13% of her body weight. She had to have light therapy at home and was on formula supplements. She is now super healthy and eats like a moose. All she does is eat and sleep, so I'm sure she's back up to her birth weight and then some. Girl's getting some booty! We're still confined to the house most days. We've been out for a doctor appointment and to my parents house for a few hours. I can't wait until I feel comfortable enough to take her out more. The whole being caught somewhere public with a screaming baby is a little intimidating for me, so we're taking it slow. Plus, it's been freezing outside lately so I'm in no hurry. Since Reagan does nothing other than eat and sleep, I have nothing else to report. Jared and I are doing really well and loving being parents. Everyday we look at her and are amazed that we created this perfect child. Ok, I was going to post some pictures, but it won't let me right now. I'll get some up soon or you can check them out on myspace.