Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baby Blocks

I found this cute and easy craft at and the results were great. I was bored and looking at some baby craft blogs and was checking out the shoes on this one but they seemed a little intimidating so I tried out the blocks instead. She has tons of stuff I really want to try but my limited sewing skills always make me wimp out. I made 4 blocks in a few hours, obviously getting quicker with more experience. You can't tell how cute these blocks are from the picture. There are 4 tags on each block but you could always add more. I also stuffed the crap out of them because I thought they looked cuter with a little more plump. I made mine 5x5 because 4x4 seemed a little small. I thought the directions seemed a little confusing but I figured it out and now they kinda make sense. I loved making them because I used up a bunch of cute scrap pieces that didn't really have anywhere else to go and I had all the supplies handy. *Note: I did NOT use the bells. Not only did I not have any on hand, who really needs another baby toy that makes noise??

If you have any fun baby/toddler/easy sewing craft sites to recommend I would love it!


Tina said...

Thanks for the idea! I've really wanted to do something like this! They look SO cute and fun!

Tina said...

I finally made one! It did take a little to figure out some of the directions, but now that I've done it it makes perfect sense, weird! Anyway, thanks for the idea! Charlie-Marie loves it! Hope things are going well and can't wait to see the new addition!