Saturday, March 27, 2010

finish line ahead *woot woot*

Ok, I know I still have a few months to go, but we are getting close to meeting this little kiddo. I have less than 12 weeks, less than 80 days and it's getting pretty cozy here in my womb so I am feeling that the end is soon and am so grateful. My first pregnancy was wonderful. Very little discomfort, lots of free time for naps and not a whole lot of heavy lifting. Prenancies with a 2 year old are a little different. Now that Reagan is in a big girl bed there are virtually no naps unless she's exhausted and happens to give in to one. She's also decided to be much more clingy. I'm guessing she's starting to realize that she'll no longer be the only kid and is trying to get in as much mommy time as she can. While this is so cute and sweet when we snuggle on the bed reading books, it is not so cute and sweet when she refuses to walk and wants me to carry her. She's not too heavy but still, you have legs- use them. Insomnia has started to creep back into my nights. I realize this is preparing me for nights with a newborn, but come on, it's baby number 2. I don't need reminding about how crazy those first few months are. Let's just sleep, mkay? Ok, enough venting. I'm sleepy, sore and just ready to be done. Blah, blah, blah. Can I tell you about my awesome kid?

Reagan's transition to big girl bed has been absolutely flawless. Seriously, this kid is crazy. Our first night, she got out of bed a bunch of times and I was prepared to have this be the norm for awhile. Well, she hasn't gotten out of bed at night since. She hasn't once asked for a bink or ni nite. She's never been caught playing with toys when she should be sleeping. She goes down willingly every night and gets up at a decent hour every morning. I love her! She has been so good at this, I'm baffled. I'm hoping that her being so cool doesn't mean that I'll have a little terror on my hands with the next one, but could I really be so lucky to get 2 great kids? I guess we'll find out in a few months. I'm so grateful to have such an obedient child. It makes life a little great when I can just have fun and don't have to worry about disciplining her all day. Don't get me wrong, she does get into her share of trouble but she's really all about making me happy and doing what's right. I hope that lasts forever!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

hooray, spring

Today's bath consisted of,

a little of this:

a whole lot of this:

some scrubbing with one of these:

and a pretty strong temptation to throw in a splash of this:

and I couldn't be happier!
I love days like the beautiful one we had today where Reagan was literally outside all day. By bathtime she was the grimiest, stinkiest, sweatiest, sandiest, chalkiest, squashed with her bare feet buggiest kid and I love it. We will be sleeping good tonight!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Big Girl

Someone slept in one of these bad boys for the first time last night...

And the results were awesome...

We'd been hyping up the big girl bed for about a week before she tried it out. We bought new sheets, blankies and a heart pillow she picked out for herself. *Side note: I loved that she picked out the on sale heart pillow instead of the twice as much Tinkerbell pillow. Fellow bargain shopper in the works??* We explained also that big girls beds are no place for binkies or ni nites. I have no problem with her loving her ni nite and sleeping with it until college. Our dear friend Gena crocheted it for her and it is soft and beautiful. The problem is the last few weeks she has been sticking her fingers in her ni nite and twirling them until she wakes up screaming her head off because the blanket is stuck on her now purple finger. So, sorry ni nite, you have to go hang out in the closet for awhile.

Yesterday, we went and picked up the bed, set it up and got everything all pretty. She was so excited! Daddy was off teaching a dive class for the night so it was me versus the 2 year old who is sleeping for the first time with no bink, no ni nite, in a brand new bed that she has no problem getting out of. Thanks, daddy. ;) We ate dinner and did our usual bedtime routine. We snuggled in the new bed under the new covers and read books for almost an hour trying to wind down from the new bed high. Finally, 8:00 rolled around and it was time for sleeping. We kissed and hugged and said goodnight. I closed the door and went to go watch some silly girl show that Jared has no interest in. About 10 minutes later I hear a thump, pitter patter and as I get up, a running back down the hall to her room. I've watched Supernanny enough to know that she was trying to get me to play a game with her so I silently took her back to her room and put her in bed. I would love to say that this was all it took but we did this about 10 times the next hour. I remained calm and just put her in bed everytime, Jo would be proud. 9:00 rolled around and Jared called to check in. I hadn't heard from her in awhile so I peeked in and found this...


She slept in her big girl bed without a peep, without a middle of the night cry for a bink or ni nite. It was crazy! I was planning on being up half the night but she was a rock star. We did have to move her from the edge of the bed a few times but a newly installed bed rail should do the trick tonight. She did get up a little too early, about 6:00, but it's hard to be mad when she gets up early to climb into bed and tell me all about how excited she is to sleep in her new bed and how much she loves it. We'll see how tonight goes. Wow, this is a ridiculously long post, but I love this kiddo and am so proud of my big kid!!