Saturday, November 01, 2008


Last night we went to my parents ward Trunk-or-Treat party. I had never been to one before and it was really fun. We decided to go there because they were doing a chili cookoff and had games for the kiddos. Reagan was a cute little spider. We had fun eating chili dogs, playing games and running around the parking lot getting candy. Really, she didn't care much about the candy. She was too interested in everyone's car decorations. When we got to a car with lights, she'd go "Ooooo" and stare at them. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

She thought she was pretty cool in her costume!

She had a blast running around the gym with the other kids.

In Grandma's car. Her car turned out really good. It was dark by the time everyone was out Trunk-or-Treating so the lights looked really cool.


Tina said...

How fun! She looks so cute! Did you make or buy her costume?

Kari said...

It was good to see you last night. Reagan was a doll.

LW said...

And what a cute little spider she is!

Familia said...

She looks like shes having so much fun! And her little costume is soo dang cute I love it! She had a fun little halloween!